Projecten waar TIRANTES
aan meewerkt op lokaal, regionaal,
landelijk en Europees niveau

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ERASMUS+ project KA2 - Drone European Platform

Drone European Platform (DEP) is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union which realises that the use of drones offer a variety of interesting opportunities in the field of agriculture. The project focuses on the technical competences of students by strengthening current educational courses and develops strategies to support educational providers, educational managers and educational trainers. Started in September 2017. Accomplished in August 2019. Partners from Spain, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.



SEMALE wants to be a step towards the inclusive growth by promoting a high-employment economy and active citizenship and investing in skills. Concretely, the project aims to provide unemployed persons a learning experience where they can increase their Self Empowerment, that mix of attitudes, skills and knowledge that increase the possibilities to become “employable”. Started in September 2017. Accomplished in August 2019. Partners from Italy, Romania, Germany, Denmark and Netherlands (TIRANTES).


NO NEETS PROJECT focusses on improving the capacity of training systems and labour market management. This will be done through the construction of an integrated model of intervention and the direct involvement of stakeholders and key players in the field of education and labour market. This project aims for greater equality and inclusion by facilitating access to learning opportunities for people with disadvantaged backgrounds and with fewer opportunities than their peers. Started in September 2017. Accomplished in August 2019. Partners from Italy, Spain, Denmark, Germany and Netherlands (TIRANTES).